Services for Producers

Increased Retention

Looking to increase retention? Free up a CSR’s time for other duties? Let ClassicPlan make personal calls to delinquent accounts so you don’t have to. It will help increase retention too! Calls are made daily by our professional customer service staff.

Daily Email Notices

Want to know about accounts we are mailing an intent to cancel, final cancellation, reinstatement or bounced check notice to, ASAP? Sign up for daily email notices. We will email you first thing each morning that one, or more, of these notices are being mailed to your insured! Want a Sample?

Multi-Lingual Inserts

If you focus on writing business in one of these ethnic communities (Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Punjabi, Korean) we can include multi-lingual inserts when mailing an intent to cancel or final cancelation to your insured. We have found it increases retention, as it tells them to contact your office if they can’t interpret the notice. Want a Sample?

Aggressive Producer Compensation

Whether you are looking to offer the lowest possible rate or generate additional revenue, ClassicPlan’s producer fee program is right for you. Earn up to 3% of the amount financed on a default or loan by loan basis and control it right from Webquote. We also give you options on how it’s paid to you!

Personal Calls to Delinquent Accounts

Looking to increase retention? Free up a CSR’s time for other duties? Let ClassicPlan make personal calls to delinquent accounts so you don’t have to. It will help increase retention too! Calls are made daily by our professional customer service staff.

Customizable Monthly Bill Message

Would you like to increase your marketing efforts without any added expense or effort? Have ClassicPlan print a custom message on Monthly Bills mailed to the insured. You can ask for referrals, cross-sell additional products or simply thank them for their business. Want a Sample?

Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Assistance

Have a marketing list, but not sure how to get that mailing prepared and in the mail? Let ClassicPlan help! We will assemble the mailing and get you our USPS bulk rate, so you can relax and start writing more business. Contact us for more details.

Large Loan Thank You Letter

On loans over $25,000 (amount financed) ClassicPlan will mail a “Thank You” letter to the insured after the last payment has been made. The letter is from ClassicPlan on behalf of the producer, thanking them for their business with a reminder of the upcoming renewal. We also include a Starbucks gift card! Want a Sample? Request one here

Broker Fee Financing

While this service is not for every agency, ClassicPlan has your back if you want the ability to finance brokers fees. And, you can finance all, or only a portion of the fee. Contact us to learn about what options are available based upon your agency needs.

Paperless Document Delivery

While our company colors are Maroon and Gray, we understand the importance of being Green. Go Green with ClassicPlan by signing up for paperless document delivery and receive copies of notices by email. The trees and local landfill will thank you!

Cancellation Delay/Extension

The insured has not made their payment. Their policy is due to cancel today, now what? If you or your insured call us on or before the cancellation effective date, we will delay the mailing of the Notice of Cancellation to the carrier(s). As there are a limited number of calendar days between the cancellation effective date and the date we are required to mail the Notice of Cancellation to carriers, you should ask the Customer Service Representative when the Notice is scheduled to be mailed. If the delinquent payment is not received by the day before scheduled mailing of the Notice, it will result in policy cancellation. We are unable to do an “extension” if delinquency is caused by a check being returned by a bank.

Producer “Payment Guarantee” (Check or Electronic)

The insured has not made their payment, the policy is due to cancel today and they are standing in your office. Now what? If you can collect the amount due in a form you are comfortable with, you can call our office and guarantee payment. In this instance, we stop the mailing of the cancellation notice and require that you (producer) pay us using your trust account. This can be done with a paper check or by means of EFT. The EFT process should be set up in advance. Get the form here..

7 Ways to Pay

ClassicPlan offers an industry-leading seven ways for your insured to make a payment. If it’s not listed here it, probably isn’t possible.

Monthly Bill or Coupon Book
Choose the billing method when setting up the loan agreement.
Automatic Payment Deduction (Auto Pay)
This option can be set up at loan inception or at any time during the term of the loan. We encourage insureds to sign up for this service by including information when mailing the first monthly bill or coupon book and from our mobile app! You can also sign up for Autopay online. This service is a great way to increase retention.
Pay by Phone
Using their checking account, the insured just needs to call our office and ask to make a Payment by Phone. We will handle the rest.
Pay by Web
Producers and insureds can submit payments 24/7 from here. Any payment submitted before 4:00 pm will be processed the same day. Producers, want to save your insured the processing fee? Log-in to Webstatus and use “Borrower Payment Online”. You can key in the insureds account information and the system will waive the processing fee.
Credit Card Payments
While we don’t encourage insureds to use credit to pay for credit, we have credit card payments available for when necessary. The credit card transaction is processed by a third-party and a processing fee applies. Make a credit card payment.
Western Union Quick Collect Payments
Insureds can submit payments using the Western Union website or by stopping at any Western Union location nationwide.
ClassicPlan Mobile App
Using our mobile app, available for Apple and Android devices the insured can submit payments using their checking account. They can also sign up for AutoPay directly from the app.

Schedule a consultation with our team to get started. We’ll get back to you right away with next steps.
